Vegan Banana Pudding

Referenced from Chocolate Covered Katie
and Chocolate Covered Katie Vegan Nilla Wafers

The pudding is Three bananas mashed,
two cups of plain fat free coconut milk,
a quarter cup of maple syrup,
two tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil,
two tablespoons of arrowroot or cornstarch
And since I already knew I was making it up in cheesecake format,
I put in one tablespoon of agar agar
and timed my cooking for 2 minutes once it started to boil.
I also put 1/4 cup vanilla extract in, as well.

Crust is two cups of flour,
quarter cup of the unrefined coconut oil,
another tablespoon or two of vanilla extract,
and a quarter cup of unrefined sugar, bake for 15 minutes.

Nutrition Info 1 cup:
Calories: 351 | Carb:52 g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 14g | Sodium: 409 mg | Fiber: 2g

vegan dessert recipes