Vegan Sausage Filler

This recipe is ideal for pizza sausage, or as a sausage filler for ravioli.
The texture would not make it ideal for frying as a stand-alone sausage.
That is another recipe. :)

  • 2 cups chopped walnuts
  • 5 cloves raw garlic (to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon each, thyme, sage, flaxseed meal
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Blend
  • Nutrition, 1 TABLESPOON Calories: 198 Carb: 3 Protein: 4 Fat:20 Sodium: 115 Fiber: 2

    WALNUTS can help to preserve muscle mass and function. They've also been shown to be an anti-inflammatory.