(A scattered work in progress...)

ANTI-CANCER favorites from Dr. Oz
Maitake mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties. In Chinese culture, they're used to treat diabetes and hypertension. Science shows that these mushrooms feed the body a natural chemical called beta-glucan, which stimulates cells in the immune system and in effect, can slow the growth of cancerous tumors.
Walnuts can help to preserve muscle mass and function. They've also been shown to be an anti-inflammatory.
Tofu is a great source of isoflavones, natural compounds that have been shown to prevent tumor growth in animals. Miso and edamame, other soy-based ingredients, are great sources of isoflavones as well.
Bok choy is known to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains compounds that can protect cells from DNA damage.
Both citrus juice and citrus peel contain vitamin C. They also contain hesperitin, which has been said to fight cancer by starving it. That means they cut off the blood supply to cancerous tumors.
Ginger fights cancer by starving it. Ginger contains gingerol, a natural chemical that kills cancer cells directly.
Broccoli sprouts and Brussels sprouts too!) are high in glucosinolates which are a compound that can prevent cancer in the body. These sprouts are best when eaten raw in order to absorb the full nutrient and cancer-fighting properties.
Edamame may lower the risk of breast cancer in women. It's rich in amino acids
Watercress is high amounts of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and other beneficial nutrients have made some believe this superfood is even better than kale! Its anti-inflammatory properties can help ward off cancer as well as keep your heart and bones healthy
The rye flour in pumpernickel can decrease the unhealthy bacteria that produce toxins in the gut. Note the signature *caraway seeds.
Chestnuts actually contain a natural chemical that helps the body recognize and kill cancer cells. Eating about five chestnuts per day was associated with a 31 percent reduced risk of colon cancer,
Mango contains two natural chemicals that are anti-angiogenic, meaning they starve cancer by cutting off its blood supply. The fruit can also help to boost your immune system, lower inflammation in the body, and turn on protective genes in the body that can kill cancer cells.

Other Browsing

*Caraway Seeds
  • High in Antioxidants
  • Support Digestive Health
  • Promote Weight Loss
  • May Help Fight Cancer Cells
  • Could Prevent Seizures
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar

  • Spirulina
    Gram for gram, spirulina may be the single most nutritious food on the planet. Reference:

    The Deadly Nightshades--or Are They?) from Christina Cooks)
    Nightshades contain solanine, an acidic alkaloid that has been linked to arthritis symptoms, unless cooked, marinated or dried.

    CILANTRO AND PARSLEY bind to heavy metal toxins and pull them out of the body.

    7 Foods that Detox Heavy Metals

    How to eliminate heavy metals in your body by juicing two common herbs

    Interesting thing about mushrooms....

    Mushrooms and Yeast
    Think Shiitake, Maitake, Oyster....
    Mushrooms and candida - medical mix or nutritional no-no?

    Molds, Mushrooms, and Candida

    Is crystallized ginger as healthy as raw?
    Crystallized Ginger Recipe
    from Soniya Saluja
  • 2 cups fresh ginger
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
    Add chopped ginger to boiling sugar water and simmer on low heat for 1-1 1/2 hours, drain and sprinkle with sugar, allow to dry.

  • Seaweed Superfood
    from Christina Cooks





    Cooking potatoes with
    rosemary neutralizes the
    solanine which can cause
    arthritis. -- Christina Cooks

    Eating soup before the meal not only helps you eat less, but relaxes the digestive tract to improve digestion.
    See: Your Kitchen is your Pharmacy, from Christina Cooks

    Nutritional Pairings for Optimal Absorbtion

  • Vitamin A + Fats [ Ex: carrots, sweet potato with oil or avocado; celery & guacamole]
  • Vitamin D + Calcium + Inulin [ Ex: Mushroooms with Soy and garlic]
  • Iron + Vitamin C [ Ex: Kale, chard,lentils, beets with lemon, lime, tomato, roasted peppers, broccoli]
  • Vitamin E + Omega 3 [ Ex: Almonds, sunflower seeds, olives with flaxseeds, walnuts, seaweed, edamame, kidney beans, chia seeds]
  • Protein + Carbs [ Ex: Beans and rice]
  • Fat-soluable vitamins (A,D, E, K) with healthy fats [ Ex:Saute spinach with vinegar & oil dressing]

  • Broccoli, cooked + Mustard condiment, wasabi or raw arugula
  • Pepper + Turmeric


  • Calcium for 3 hours after coffee
  • Tea with Iron

    Better Cooked:

  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Eggplant
  • Tomato
  • Red bell peppers
  • Quick Reference:
    Asparagus folate, iron
    Beans, brown/black Protein, Fiber, folate, calcium
    BeetsFolate, Vitamin C, A, iron
    Broccoli Vitamin C
    Brussels Sprouts Vitamin C, K
    Cabbage Vitamin K, C, potassium, folate
    Carrots Beta carotene, Vitamin A
    Cauliflower Vitamin C, K
    Celery Vitamin A
    Chic PeasB6, folate, Calcium, A, zinc
    Corn Vitamin C, folate, protein
    Cucumber Vitamin K
    Eggplant Vitamin K
    Garlic Calcium, C, B6, Potassium, inulin
    KaleVitamin C, A, K
    Mushrooms Vitamin D, B, Copper
    Okra Vitamin C, K, folate
    Olives, Kalamata Vitamin E, Iron, Calcium
    Onion Vitamin C, inulin
    Peas Vitamin K, C, zinc
    Pepper, bell Vitamin C, B6
    Potato, white Potassium, Vitamin C
    Potato, sweet Vitamin A,C, potassium
    Radishes Vitamin C
    Spinach Vitamin A, C, K
    Tomato Lycopene, Vitamin C
    Yellow Squash Vitamin C, Beta carotene
    Zucchini Vitamin C, B6